Thursday, October 13, 2011

Family Ties

Nothing is much worse that being unable to get up and do things. I'm a doer. Always been a doer. But alas, I'm having some adverse side effects from my spinal tap yesterday, so I'm stuck on the couch. Thankfully, I have the laptop and I have been able to at least play some catch-up on work. Like editing the photos that I did for my Aunt and her family :) I still get just as giddy knowing I'm going to see family now as I did when I was a kid. It is even better now because I get to see them and take their pictures. How fun is that?! Super fun! The weather was simply amazing and the cider mill was picturesque (lucky for me - eh?). Not to mention on the hiking trail down by the river there was a man playing his fiddle. I included a picture, but I didn't want to interupt him to get a picture from the front. I cannot say enough about my family and how fun they are. Family is right under God in my list of how I prioritize my life, so it means so much to me that they support me in everything I do. Love you all! I hope you enjoy your pictures!
Keep Smiling! ~ Libby

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