Friday, August 27, 2010

Did You Know?

I'm going to start about once a month (at least those are my intentions...) a did you know section. There are so many different things we can do with your images, that there is no way I could possibly include them on a price list. So, what I'm going to do is start listing some fun ideas here so you're aware that you're not limited to just standard prints. I love, love, love to get creative and I have a great friend (Sarah Piazza at Sealed Expressions - find her, love her, friend her on FB) and she can either make custom designs for you OR you can chose from one over her pre-made designs which are just as fun and WAY faster!

Today I'm featuring... (drum roll please...) wait for it, wait for it... BOOKMARKS! Sounds boring - right?! Well, not quite. These aren't your grandma's bookmarks. They're cute, fun and quite frankly an awesome little gift for your guests at your wedding. Who wants a container of M&Ms? Ok. Not knocking anyone. To each their own, but it's way more fun to be unique with your wedding and not be like the last. Am I in the dark on this one too? Most people still read a good old fashioned book - right? We're not taken over by Kindle yet!

So, you're probably thinking that anything for your wedding that is customized is way out of your budget. You're sooo wrong! You can get 100 for as little as $75.00! Not. Even. Kidding you. Order them up today. They only take a couple of weeks to arrive and you're guests will be blown away!

Keep smiling!
~ Libby

1 comment:

Sealed Expressions said...

GREAT idea! And very unique I must say :)