Friday, October 1, 2010

How He Loves...

I have to completely honest with you. This is a tough one for me to post. Let me explain...

Have you ever had something so wildly personal but so wonderful that you want to keep it bottled up like your special little secret but shout it out to the whole world all at once? That is how I feel about my newborn session yesterday. It is so close to my heart that part of me wants to keep it private; just between me and my clients. I don't think I can be that selfish though. Mainly because of their story and how unselfish they have been about sharing it. Willing to share their story of love, loss and life. They're an inspiring couple that you'll walk away from a better person for knowing. I've prayed along with countless others for this little blessing that they now have. God listens. God answers. It reminds me of the song "How He Loves" and I can't help but getting teary-eyed just trying to grasp the thought of how much He does care. I feel so humbled and honored that I was invited to be the photographer. Thank you to this family seems so inadequate, but I can't find the words to say what this meant to me.

Little Amelia. Too sweet for words. I'll let the pictures do the talking.


Remaking Memories said...

Great photos, Libby - what a precious gift!

Cherie said...

Hi, these are beautiful and they are close to my heart also because I'm Patrick's mom! Great job capturing their personalities and little Amelia. Thanks for sharing these! Cherie

Libby said...

Thank you Cherie! It was such a pleasure to be able to do that. I'm so glad that you like them :)