Friday, July 31, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes!

Well, July was the 1 year anniversary since I took the leap of faith and started attempting photography. It's been quite and journey and a learning experience and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I want to take this time to thank everyone from friends, family and clients (that were strangers and quickly became friends). Because of your faith in me I have learned that God has given me a specific talent and you have helped me learn and develop it. Trust me, it's still a work in progress! I have never taken a photography class in my life, so everything has been trial and error. But through your patience and encouragement, I have grown. Every person has a story and if I can take that brief moment in time and share that story, then I have done my job. I can only hope to further this gift to be able to give back.

Thank you again to everyone and enjoy the past year in pictures...

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