Friday, July 31, 2009

Sarah & Craig

My favorite weddings to attend are the ones where you can look at the bride and groom and just know that God created the both of them for each other. The wedding isn't an event, just a stepping stone so everyone can celebrate.

That is exactly how I feel about Sarah and Craig. I met Sarah at my little sister's bachelorette party a few years back. I remember thinking that she was incredibly quiet. Boy was I wrong! The more that I got to know Sarah, the more I realized that she is one of the happiest most outgoing and outrageous people (in the best sense of course!) I have ever met. Instantaneously you are welcomed into her little world of living life to the fullest and even though I have not been able to spend very much time with her, she has impacted my life with her love of it and her love for Jesus.

I met Craig 5 days before the wedding. I had no idea what he was like, but I figured if he loved Sarah, he must be pretty darn smart. I expected Craig to be reserved and slightly stand-offish seeing as he was dining with 3 giggling girls, but he joined right in and I knew I had a friend for life!

So, congratulations to you both and thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me be able to share in your beautiful day!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ohhh, you are just great! We love you too. And I just want to extend my thank you once again. The pictures for the wedding were more than I expected. You captured every moment of the day. You are a fabulous, creative, and absolutely called to be a photography. Because of you, my family, friends, along with Craig and I can look back on our wedding day with a smile :) and I got some pretty amazing pictures of my VERY HANDSOME husband to on my desk at work :)

Thank you once again. I HIGHLY recommend you for anyone, and regardless of the event!