Friday, June 10, 2011

Kasey + Jon = Adorable :)

I have this, what some might consider to be annoying, habit of cheering for myself when I know I'm getting amazing photos. This really has nothing to do with me celebrating my mad camera skillz, but more to do with my truly amazing couples. Oh, and I use the term amazing so much that I have pretty much beat it to death. Another annoying habit to many, I'm sure. But back to my electrifying (yes, I totally Googled thesaurus for amazing...) couples. They completely rock my world with how they just let loose in front of my camera and then make me look like some rockin' photographer. YOU GUYS MAKE ME LOOK AWESOME!!!! And that brings me to my latest session with Kasey and Jon. They claim that they never take pictures together which completely baffles me. Seriously, this session was effortless for me. All I did was tell them to move around a little bit and what do I get? Some of the best engagement pictures to date. I cannot wait until I get them in front of my lens come wedding day! Thank you Kasey and Jon!

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