I can't recall the weather (although I'm pretty sure it was much like today), I can't really recall what I wore (probably something I no longer own) and I can't fully recall who was there (which is really bad because it was only a handful of people.). But I do recall how I felt. Sure, I was in love. FYI: You're supposed to be in love when you get married ;) More importantly, I felt calm. I knew this was the right thing. I knew that man I was saying "I do" to loved me more than anything else in this world. I knew that he loved my daughter and would take care of her no matter what. I knew that we would be the old couple still walking hand-in-hand down the street. It couldn't feel more right...
Fast forward 6 years. Here we are. A mortgage, 3 kids and a minivan later. Romance kill? Perhaps. There aren't chocolates and roses everyday followed by tender "I love you" moments. Nope. It's "Here, I know that she's poopy, but could you just change her so I can run a brush through my hair before we leave?" or "How long has this bottle been shoved underneath the car seat?" to one of my personal favorites "What is in that Tupperware container? Ugh! I'm not opening it! YOU open it!". Trust me - I'm not complaining. It's called reality. We live it everyday and quite honestly, I wouldn't trade it for the biggest most beautiful rose gardens in the world or the Hershey's factory (well, I would probably debate for a moment - especially on the really bad days, but I know that my life would win in the long run...).
I loved him when I married him, but I love him more today. There have been many moments that I have taken time to reflect on what an incredible person he is and felt completely unworthy. He has taken a little girl that he didn't have to love, care or provide for and given her his last name. He has given life to my dream as a photographer. Even more recently, he carried the coffin of the grandma that I loved so dearly to her resting place and hugged me and patiently loved me through all the tears.
He loves me in spite of me. You can't ask for more than that. Happy 6 year anniversary to My Love!