Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Whats Love Got To Do With It? Everything.

I can't recall the weather (although I'm pretty sure it was much like today), I can't really recall what I wore (probably something I no longer own) and I can't fully recall who was there (which is really bad because it was only a handful of people.). But I do recall how I felt. Sure, I was in love. FYI: You're supposed to be in love when you get married ;) More importantly, I felt calm. I knew this was the right thing. I knew that man I was saying "I do" to loved me more than anything else in this world. I knew that he loved my daughter and would take care of her no matter what. I knew that we would be the old couple still walking hand-in-hand down the street. It couldn't feel more right...

Fast forward 6 years. Here we are. A mortgage, 3 kids and a minivan later. Romance kill? Perhaps. There aren't chocolates and roses everyday followed by tender "I love you" moments. Nope. It's "Here, I know that she's poopy, but could you just change her so I can run a brush through my hair before we leave?" or "How long has this bottle been shoved underneath the car seat?" to one of my personal favorites "What is in that Tupperware container? Ugh! I'm not opening it! YOU open it!". Trust me - I'm not complaining. It's called reality. We live it everyday and quite honestly, I wouldn't trade it for the biggest most beautiful rose gardens in the world or the Hershey's factory (well, I would probably debate for a moment - especially on the really bad days, but I know that my life would win in the long run...).

I loved him when I married him, but I love him more today. There have been many moments that I have taken time to reflect on what an incredible person he is and felt completely unworthy. He has taken a little girl that he didn't have to love, care or provide for and given her his last name. He has given life to my dream as a photographer. Even more recently, he carried the coffin of the grandma that I loved so dearly to her resting place and hugged me and patiently loved me through all the tears.

He loves me in spite of me. You can't ask for more than that. Happy 6 year anniversary to My Love!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Empty Bowls

I'm so glad to have people in my life that like to help others and try to do good. That's me too. I'm a "do gooder" so I tend to surround myself with people that like to have a positive impact on the world around them. Enter two wonderful ladies/teachers that I know personally and love their heart for helping others. One teaches at Vassar High School and the other at St. Paul school in Millington. They both asked me, almost on the same day, for some sort of donation toward their empty bowls project. Of course the answer was "yes" and I don't want to stop with just that. I would like to share with you what the Empty Bowls project is and how you can help.

As I have mentioned before, I'm merely a sub-par writer (and that, I believe, is an overstatement) so I'll let them tell you in their own words:

Amy Baldwin Art Teacher St. Paul Millington:

"October 26th from 5:00-6:30 at St. Paul Lutheran School. My 3rd grade art students make over 100 ceramic bowls and we have a dinner. Tickets are $10 and patrons receive a soup dinner, dessert, beverages, and get to take home one of the student-made bowls. All of profit goes to the Millington Food Pantry. This fall will be our 4th annual event. We have given about $3000 to the pantry so far.
We also sell small ceramics the kids made, and have silent auctions and door prizes. The money from the auctions and sales goes to a school family (or families) who need a little extra cash. We do quite well here, too. I always have something that pertains to the art industry, since it’s an art event. And since I have so many talented friends (and friends of friends), I’d like to promote their business."

For information on what is being offered as door prizes and auction items, follow this link:

Sarah Piazza Art Teacher Vassar High School:

"Mine is basically like Amy's, but it is not until Feb. It has been running for years through Lois Parsell, this is my first year in charge of it, but she will be there as my mentor along the whole way! I will have 3 silent auction items, some handmade Art items for sale and some door prizes. VHS has given thousands to the Vassar Food Pantry over the years. I am honored to take the torch and keep this tradition going.

This year I am only featuring items to auction/sell that are produced by former VHS Art students - I think it is a great way to show what a little Art can do! "

So, what can you do to help? Participate by purchasing tickets to attend. Support this program to help local families. Not having enough income to be able to purchase the basic necessities in life must be devastating.

For more information, you can contact these teachers via Facebook.

(Picture donated by Elizabeth K Photography for Empty Bowls Dinner.)

Friday, October 1, 2010

How He Loves...

I have to completely honest with you. This is a tough one for me to post. Let me explain...

Have you ever had something so wildly personal but so wonderful that you want to keep it bottled up like your special little secret but shout it out to the whole world all at once? That is how I feel about my newborn session yesterday. It is so close to my heart that part of me wants to keep it private; just between me and my clients. I don't think I can be that selfish though. Mainly because of their story and how unselfish they have been about sharing it. Willing to share their story of love, loss and life. They're an inspiring couple that you'll walk away from a better person for knowing. I've prayed along with countless others for this little blessing that they now have. God listens. God answers. It reminds me of the song "How He Loves" and I can't help but getting teary-eyed just trying to grasp the thought of how much He does care. I feel so humbled and honored that I was invited to be the photographer. Thank you to this family seems so inadequate, but I can't find the words to say what this meant to me.

Little Amelia. Too sweet for words. I'll let the pictures do the talking.