Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sealed Expressions

One of the best things about being in the business that I'm in is that I have reunited with a bunch of people that I have known over the years. One of the best people I have rediscovered is my former classmate Sarah. We joined forces for business, but have found a wonderful friendship in it all and she truly is one of my dear friends.

Not only an amazing person, but an even more amazing artist. She designs anything from wedding invites to baby announcements to promotional items. Seriously jealous of this girls talents! You can look her up on Facebook or check her website: You'll be blown away! I could rant and rave about her all day, but you can just check her out yourself and know that she's pretty much fabulous.

Here we are at our "networking" meeting today (code for an excuse to get together, get hyped up on caffeine and be the most obnoxious people at the Harvest Coffee House. No, seriously, I'm pretty sure the next county heard our entire conversation and the entire state heard my insanely loud laugh). Keep in mind that my 5 year-old took the picture so Sarah isn't really wearing a t-shirt, that's a prom dress. And I don't always look ratty in pictures, I usually look like a supermodel. We'll have to work on his photography skills...

1 comment:

Patrick and Megan said...

Cute post! Keep up with blogging :)