Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I was mentioning to my husband the other day how funny it is when a major life event happens and you can suddenly look back over the last several months and realize how the Lord has been preparing you for what is about to happen. Things that change your heart, your mind, your perspective. It creeps up on you and changes you without welcome or realization. It is slowly becoming clear to me over time. Why this or that didn't happen. Why He has chosen now to shake things up a bit and says, "Did you mean it? Did you mean it when you said you would trust me and know that what I have for you is far greater than your mind could ever comprehend?". It is one of those moments. One of those times and although I cannot share what exactly has me reflecting in such a manner right at this time, I will tell you that it is big. And it could get even bigger. It is mostly good, but even if bad comes riding on the coattails of this moment in my life, I know that He has promised me that All things work together for good...". I trust that. With all this revolution going on in my life, it has forced me to reflect. Today the snow is (finally!) falling softly and quietly outdoors. It calls for an Indian Spice Chai Tea brewed in my new Keurig (thanks to the hubs - Merry Christmas to me!)and a quiet moment (scarce with the kids on Christmas break) to think. I looked at the Christmas tree and the eclectic assortment of ornaments on it. Any interior decorator would probably scoff at the mishmosh of decorations and the way that they're all bunched at the children's eye level, but for me it captures our family and our personality perfectly. I like us. I like our home. I like who we are growing to be. So, I figured I would share some pictures of our home today. Nothing thrilling or exciting. Just us in a nutshell.